Member of Parliament (MP) for the Klottey Korle Constituency in Accra, Ghana, Zenator Rawlings is of the view that the Ghanaian youth is ready to work but there is a lack of opportunities in the country.
“I don’t know if it’s fair to ask that question in a vacuum because if your hard work does not translate to results, you ask yourself how hard should you work. “
She continued “It’s a mixed bag. You have a lot of young people who are willing to work but the opportunities and spaces are not being made for them. There are young people who want to start businesses but unfortunately, the way the system works out, the youth do not even have collateral to present for loans they would need for example.
The thing about the startups is there has been so much buzz around startups without the hand-holding through the three to five years. So you’ll have a whole tick box of we’ve managed to, not myself…You have a conversation about a lot of young people who have been trained and there are startups and all of these…I don’t want to be mentioning names but if you look for these young people two years down the line, there’s nothing”.
On what the country is not getting right hence the failure of most startups among others she said “It is a whole range of things. If you’re expecting more young people to be productive in terms of whether it is entrepreneurship or something and the cost of production of anything is so high, it means that starting off with, you’re already running at a loss and for young people who are trying to make ends meet, it makes it very difficult for them because you have to survive on top of having a business that works”.