Drama unfolded on the famous Auntie Naa show on Oyerepa FM as a side chick who dragged a married man to the show ended up being a victim of an assault by the man and his wife.
In an edition of the show which has gone viral on social media, one could be heard blaming the side chick for snatching her husband, describing the side chick as ‘husband snatcher’.
In a rebuttal, the side chick asserted that if she(the wife) wasn’t mad, she wouldn’t be talking like a mentally challenged woman.
In the course of the heated exchange, the wife disclosed that the lady had birthed a child for her husband because she was a prostitute.
This angered the side chick who asked the wife if she looked like a prostitute to her, “God forbid will I chase your husband. Do I look like a prostitute to you”.
But the wife retorted that her husband informed her that he was driven into the relationship by the lady. This revelation infuriated the side chick who turned to the husband to demand answers. In the course of the interrogation, the side chick landed a slap on the man’s cheeks, which attracted an immediate response from both the wife and the husband on the show.